How to Choose the Right ERP System

How to Choose the Right ERP System

A common question that comes up when discussing ERP systems is how does one go about selecting the right one. Every organization is different so the process of selecting a system that will meet the needs needs to be tailored to the organization’s needs. While there is no single answer, there is certainly a process that can be followed. Before we recommend a system to our clients we like them to think about the following questions:

  • What type of business does the client operate?
  • What is the total revenue per year?
  • How quickly is the business growing?
  • How does it interact with its customers and vendors?
  • How tech savvy are the organization’s users?
  • How comfortable is the organization to change?
  • How frequently do the business processes change?
  • How many users are expected?
  • Where will these users work in the system from?
  • Are there any security requirements beyond general needs of businesses?
  • What is the budget?
  • What is the timeframe?

Going through this analysis typically helps us narrow down the options to a few that will meet the client’s needs. Not every system is right for every client and not every client is right for every system. The successful conclusion of this comprehensive analysis is the first step is selecting a system.

At My ERP Partner, we are vendor agnostic. We don’t sell software licenses so we do not have a horse in the race. Our goal is to simply find the best system that works for you at the best possible price.

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