A lot of companies use QuickBooks long past its best use life. Over years, as companies grow and their needs expand, they add ill fitting add-ons and out of the system processes and solutions to keep using QuickBooks. So, while its a solid starting point, it often falls short for growing businesses. Moving to a new platform is challenging and companies are reluctant to undertake this journey. A quick review finds the below challenges as most common reasons companies continue to use QuickBooks past its abilities.
Any alternative to QuickBooks needs to be a compelling alternative to the existing solution. Let us review what the alternative should provide to make migrating away from QuickBooks a compelling and beneficial decision.
Acumatica has been the fastest growing ERP platform designed ground up for modern browsers with mobile apps that solves these common and persistent challenges businesses face with QuickBooks. The platform has a complete set of features for even the most demanding businesses. Combined with modern technology and consumption based pricing, it hits the mark for all businesses currently using QuickBooks and struggling with it.
Our guide below allows you to make a quick comparison between QuickBooks and Acumatica and is a good starting point for further investigation. Download the hand guide. For a quick demo and overview of Acumatica, head to our Demos page.
Review the videos below to see how others have found Acumatica to be a great choice when migrating away from and outgrowing QuickBooks.